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Springtime: A Season Of New Life

April, in countries like the Netherlands, Japan, Switzerland, and South Korea, opens up with Spring. That season just after the cold, snowy Winter, and right before the warmth of the Summer.

Flower buds reappear under the melted snow, leaves start growing on trees that were stripped bare during the cold, snowy winter months, hibernating animals wake up and pursue life, and the floors are literally covered with colours.

It is a season of new life. Growth, which had seemed to cease, resumes and “Life” continues in full. It’s almost like the stifling months of winter were never here.

Winter does strange things to nature, you see.  It’s almost oppressive. Everything seems to fold up. Nature seems to go into depression, falling asleep as if it’ll never rise again.

Yet, it’s just a season. It’ll pass. A season of growth will come. And it surely does. “There is a time for everything,” said the wise Hebrew King. That season of slumber passes, and a season of wakefulness takes over the scene.

Such is the nature of seasons: when one comes, it’s like the former was never here. So we hold on during the “bad” seasons, knowing the “good” ones will come.

We learn to abide and abound through our seasons. Nature itself strives to teach us the lessons of patience and hope.

if you were the flower, pressed hard under the ‘weight’ of snow, would you still believe a season will come when you’d sprout again? We hope you take the lessons from nature: your season will come.

With all these going through our minds, we’re driven to pray that the beauty of this season will birth new life for you; that your relationships, endeavours and the intimate desires of your heart will yield their increase.

Above all, that you’ll have enough hope to hold on during winter, knowing spring will come.