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Effectiveness is the New “Wife Material”

Somewhere in Akure, Nigeria, is a grandma who considers it the supreme honor of womanhood to cook her family’s meals herself, wash their clothes with her hands, and tend to every need.

The sons of that grandma consider a lady “wife material” if she can do all these things with grace, no complaints, and quiet efficiency. They look out for such a woman to marry.

Then there’s the city-bred Sarah, who knows machines make life easier, and won’t hesitate to outsource tasks. Does it need to be washed? Use the washing machine. House cleaning? Get the crew. Cooking? How soon can it be delivered? This gives her the time she needs to balance a career or business, and also care for her family.

Ahh! You need not think every woman is like Sarah.
There are some of us who’d take great pains to ensure our families are nutritiously fed, get our husbands’ clothes washed with our delicate hands, and clean our homes the way only we could do it.

There are two teams then, two teams of highly responsible women. But whether you’re on Team “Let’s Outsource it” or Team “I’ll handle it”, the goal remains effectiveness.
Effectiveness, simply put, is getting the job done.

The grandma in Akure would agree that if a 3 hour task can be completed in 29 minutes with a machine, we ought to go for the latter.
Still, there are times Sarah will derive untold pleasure from doing things with her own hands along with her children.

It’s not the hours that matter at that point; it’s the quality time she’s having with her children. Both cases mirror effectiveness: what each woman set out to do was done.

A “wife material” is the woman who achieves effectiveness; the woman who keeps her home going. It’s not by how much strain she can endure anymore, it’s by how effectively she’s managing the care of those entrusted to her.
Stress doesn’t make a wife. Effectiveness does.

And for that effectiveness, we’ve got you!
• Cleaning aids
• Cooking accessories
• Plates to serve your meals with.
• Pots to make cooking a delight.
• Glassware and more.

We are all for “Do what makes you happy; what gives you satisfaction; what gets the job done.”

Effectiveness, you see, is the new “wife material.” And TZW Hotel and Home Collection is here to aid that course!

On this very website, you’ll find machines to put the ease in “easy.” We have equipment to make virtually everything less cumbersome:
• Hand blenders
• Coffee makers
• Tea makers
• Juicers
• Deep fryers
• Toasters
• Microwave
ovens . . .
Just name them.

And when it comes to tableware, we’ve got more colours than we can name. So you can lay out your meals in a way that befits the family of your dreams and makes hubby proud to invite friends over.

It doesn’t matter if the meal was a take-out or a delivery. It becomes more of a delight when laid out in lovely tableware. There’s just something about the plate that makes the food more palatable.

In conclusion, “Team Effectiveness” is the place to be. On the days you’d prefer to pound your yam in a mortar, go right ahead. When you’d rather use the poundo machine, go ahead.

So long as you get it done, and doing it makes you happy, enjoy your wifehood!