There are a few impossibilities in life; that you’ve never had a meal with an onion in it must be one of them. And if you grew up in a home like mine, you have absolutely no qualms with onions. You may even be among the majority that long to “see” the onions in their food.
Typically, we purchase them in large quantities. Even if you don’t like or use them that often, you would still buy enough to store. We wouldn’t want to go to the market every time we needed one onion. ðŸ¤
So we bring you ideas on the proper storage of onions, whether you’ve cut them in half or not. They have a tendency to go soft, moldy or sprout, but we’ll be avoiding all that. Here’s how:
1. Use immediately after peeling:
Unless you’re ready to use them, do not peel. Their papery exterior serves as natural protection from the elements. So taking that off increases their chances of going soft or moldy.
2. Air circulation:
Good air circulation is key. So do not leave your onions in plastic bags, or store them in a stuffy locker. Where should you store them, then?
Whole onions should be stored at room temperature in a well-ventilated container, such as:
a. A wire basket
b. A perforated plastic sack
c. An open paper sack
d. Or a spacious, flat wooden container.
3. Keep away from water
Water promotes early spoilage, so you ought to store them away from the sink or tap.
4. Onion saver boxes
Already cut onions should be stored in onion saver boxes. We’ve got these at our store. ðŸ¤ðŸ¥‚
5. Refrigerators
You could refrigerate your cut onions for up to a week. The saver boxes are airtight and will keep them from spreading their “aroma” round your fridge. 😌
6. Keep within reach
Lastly, place the already cut ones where you’ll easily spot them. You don’t want to find many “halves” during clean out. ðŸ¤âœ¨
About the onion saver boxes, you can order some right here on this website. Other kitchen plastics are available too. And they’re BPA free. BPA is the organic compound, Bisphenol A which, when used in the making of plastics, has been linked to obesity and cancer. This happens when such plastics are exposed to heat, thus mixing the food contained in them with the BPA.
You won’t worry about that with our plastics. So feel free to shop. And subscribe to our newsletters too. You’ll get notifications on sales and other offers firsthand.