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Death, Loss, And Roses; Making The Most Of Life

The season of Spring is hardly the time to talk of death and loss. For Christians, it’s time to talk about the resurrection of Jesus. For countries like the Netherlands and France, they’re basking in the lively colors of Spring. It’s a time to talk of hope, joy, and better days. Yet, we find it expedient to remind you that we’re not promised tomorrow, not really.

A dear lady has to write a tribute to her mom. In countless hospital rooms around the world, families are hanging on to every word the doctor pronounces, longing for good news.

Death is a part of life, a painful part. But there’s something we can do about it. We can give people their roses–while they can still smell them. We can tell the people we love how much they mean to us.

Gary Chapman has dedicated his life to helping relationships thrive. He wrote “The 5 Love Languages.” In essence, the book says, “If your loved one likes to receive gifts, give them gifts. If they’d love to hang out with you and talk, make time for them. Anything that’ll communicate to them that you love them, do it. Let them do the same for you.”

Again, we can do little about the inevitability of death and loss, but we can make the most of life. We can make the days count. We can amass memories.

At TZW Hotel and Home Collection, we’ll help you all we can:
• If he’d appreciate a change to the bedroom, we’ll provide befitting bedding.
• If she blushes at the sight of lovely dinnerware, we’ll deliver it in your name.
• And if you want to surprise mom with kitchen gadgets that make her wonder at technology, they’re ready for delivery.
• We’ll cover everything related to hotels and homes.

It’s how we make the most of life. It’s how we give out roses when they can still be received with appreciation.